About elsbeth martindale

I’m Elsbeth.
I mentor therapists.

My passion

As I phase out my full-time private practice I am turning my focus and expertise to assisting therapists to be skillful and successful in their work. We know, from research, that a therapist’s personal well-being is a huge contributor to treatment outcomes in therapy. Whether you need to sharpen your skills and strategies for providing psychotherapy or you need to shore up your ability to care for yourself, I’m here to assist.

My passion for fostering younger therapists has grown over my 35 years as a provider. During these years I have benefited from a variety of mentoring and guiding relationships myself. These teachers and older colleagues have helped me grow in confidence, teaching me to set boundaries, and encouraging me to observe and care for myself. These mentors made themselves available when I was doubting, unsure and unskillful. They held me in high regard and were generous to me with their time and resources. I learned that I do not need to be alone in my growth as a professional therapist.

I offer this same generosity to you. I have an abundance of tools and time-proven strategies to help you create a vision for your work, explore impediments that get you stuck, and help you step into your full potency and strength. As a therapist, I can help you by providing mentoring, consultation, trainings, as well as individual therapy if desired. The privilege of years of investment in the field of psychological health gives me much to offer those who are needing a hand. I can work on a sliding scale, making it possible for you to have access to support when you need it.

“I’m here to assist you to build your confidence and expand your skillfulness. I can equip you to become the best therapist you can be.

My professional commitments


I am committed to helping you be supported and professionally nourished. Whether you want supervision, mentoring, or professional consultation, in person or online, I will help you get the support you need for your work. Utilizing your unique personal style, I’ll help you align your work with your personality. Operating from your strengths will give you the confidence you need to be fully present in your work.


I want to give you access to my 35 years of accumulated wisdom as a therapist. I can help you learn to quickly assess what your clients are longing for, what skills they may be lacking, and what tools and strategies will help them heal and grow. I will show you easy steps for goal clarification, keeping your work focused, and allowing your clients to stay engaged with their self-chosen objectives. I will gladly share my collection of handouts and teaching tools so you can equip your clients with tried and true strategies for promoting growth and change. No matter what theoretical orientation from which you work,I’m dedicated to giving you an experience of being engaged, impactful, and effective as a therapist.


I want to help my profession by challenging therapists to continually expand their effectiveness. Through workshops, training, supervision, consultation, and retreats, I offer you a chance to explore leading-edge tools for transformative work. By sharing potent strategies and offering psycho-educational material to you, as a therapist, I will help you practice from a place of confidence and ease.

group therapy

I have a strong interest in group psychotherapy. I have been leading groups throughout my whole career. I find them to be the best environment for skill acquisition and consolidation. There is nothing quite like a group of individuals invested in supporting one another in personal growth and advancement. I would love to help you explore group therapy options in your work.

You may view my resumé to see a more formal accounting of my professional interests and accomplishments.